SXSW EDU Film Program
- What is SXSW EDU Film?
- When is the SXSW EDU Film program?
- Where is SXSW EDU Film hosted?
- Who can attend SXSW EDU Film?
- Are SXSW EDU Film tickets available for purchase for non-badgeholders?
- What films are eligible for SXSW EDU Film?
- How can I submit my film to SXSW EDU?
- What is the preferred format for SXSW EDU Film submissions?
- What is the selection process for SXSW EDU Film?
- When will I know if my film has been selected for SXSW EDU Film?
- Is SXSW EDU Film part of the SXSW Film & TV Festival?
- Is SXSW EDU Film a competition?
- What if a film's screening time conflicts with another session at SXSW EDU? Are films shown more than once?
- What are SXSW EDU policies regarding refunds, credentials, and the terms and conditions?