How can I add links & tags to my EDU Social account?

Adding links to your EDU Social profile allows other SXSW EDU registrants to get in touch with you. Linking to your Twitter, Facebook, Flickr or LinkedIn accounts helps you continue to build on the personal and/or professional relationships you established during the event.

Adding links: Log into your EDU Social account and click the “Edit Your Profile” button under "You, at a Glance" on the right. Click "Edit Profile". You can add a link by entering the page’s URL into the field and clicking the “+ Add” button. You can also link your email address by preceding your email with 'mailto:'

Adding tags to your profile will help other SXSW EDU registrants find you based on your interests, job and/or where you are from. For example, you can add tags like “director”, “social media”, “tech” or “Chicago”.

Adding tags: Log into your EDU Social account and click the “Edit Your Profile” button under "You, at a Glance" on the right. Click "Edit Profile". In the Tags field, enter in any words you would like to tag yourself with and make sure each is comma-separated. Click “Save Changes to Profile” and your tags will appear on your homepage next to “My Tags”.

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